How we built our new showcase website using our own expertise

Learn how our in-house website design team used their expert skills to create a new showcase website for Juniper. Join us as we take you through the journey and show you what it really takes to build an amazing website from start to finish. 


At Juniper Education, we’ve spent years perfecting our website design and development services for the education sector. Last year, we began a brand transformation, starting with a revamp of our own website. However, we quickly recognised that our website portfolio needed more attention. So, when the opportunity arose to create a new website to specifically showcase our website and engagement offerings, we didn’t hesitate to apply the same principles, creativity, and strategies that we use for our customers. We help schools showcase their unique qualities, pupil successes, achievements, and vision through our website design services every day. What better way to demonstrate that than by using our own expertise to create a standout website for ourselves? 

In essence, we "drank our own champagne" and experienced firsthand the journey our customers go through when working with us. It’s been a great experience, if we do say so ourselves, and we’ve learned a lot in the process.  

Here’s a look at how our in-house team built our new showcase website. It was designed specifically to demonstrate the full spectrum of our website services and capabilities—from branding and marketing to film and media and communication tools tailored for schools, academies, and trusts in the UK and abroad. 

It all started with a consultation 

It all started in April when our website project team came together for an initial consultation to start the process. The team, including our Marketing Director Alex, Marketing Manager Shereen, Head of Websites and Engagement Ryan, Project Coordinator Megan, and Designer Dom, discussed our goals for the new website.  

Megan and Dom led the project, ensuring our vision was central to every decision. We knew we wanted a website that didn’t just tell our customers what we did—we wanted to show them, too. The proof, as they say, is in the pixels. Our aim was to create a central hub that highlights how our education-specific website solutions can help schools of all kinds shine online, whether it’s a primary or secondary school, part of a trust, or an independent or special school in the UK or internationally. 

We gave our team a clear brief and creative freedom to design an outstanding website and, basically, do what they do best! 

Then came the design process 

Following the consultation, Dom and the design team got to work. They began by creating wireframes—visual blueprints of the website layout—which were presented to the wider team for feedback. These wireframes helped shape the clean, modern design, ensuring it was visually appealing while still maintaining the professional tone our customers expect.  

Branding is at the core of every school website we create, and our design team applied those same principles here, refining it specifically for Juniper Websites. We aimed for a website that reflects our identity as an education-focused service provider, incorporating our brand colours, fonts, and imagery to create a website showcase that had the wow factor. With the designs created and after an initial round of feedback, the first page drafts were finalised. Juniper Websites Image 1 -1

Into the build phase 

Once the designs were approved, Tom, our Senior Front-End Developer, took the reins to bring the website to life. He translated the designs into a fully functional site, ensuring it aligned with our vision. Meanwhile, our marketing team developed new content and selected imagery based on the wireframes. Our SEO team also optimised the content with relevant keywords to help drive organic traffic to the site. 

Engaging and informing our audience 

We knew the site needed to inform visitors about our offerings and engage them in a way that inspired them. Clear calls to action, customer testimonials, and case studies were all integrated to provide a seamless user experience, helping prospective and existing school customers find the information they need quickly. Juniper Websites Our work

Storytelling with an impact 

Our film, media, and content teams worked closely with Megan, Dom and Tom to ensure the website effectively told our story. Video plays a key role in our communication strategy, so we incorporated media tools like our promotional showreel, professional education photography, and animated videos to show how we help schools engage their communities. The combination of written content, visuals, and video communicated the value of our services in a way that resonates with school leaders. Juniper Websites finishing touches

Encouraging engagement 

To stay connected with our audience in real-time, we built tools such as embedded forms, dynamic content updates, and a live blog feed. These elements make it easy for visitors to request quotes, book consultations, or stay updated on the latest information. We also provide schools with these tools, helping them stay engaged with their communities, parents, and pupils. 

Final touches and time to launch 

As with any project, we made sure to incorporate internal stakeholder feedback and make edits along the way. The collaboration between our web designers, project coordinator, marketing, media, and content teams allowed us to fine-tune every aspect of the site, ensuring it was not only visually appealing but also functional and user-friendly. 

After just five months, our website went live, ready for the start of the academic year in September. The result is a platform that is not only amazing but also showcases the full range of our capabilities and serves as an example of what schools can achieve by partnering with us. Juniper Websites Image 3

Showcasing our best work 

But that’s not all. Alongside the website project, we also tasked our team with creating a new showreel to highlight our best work. This showreel now sits front and centre on our homepage and is used in promotional marketing activities, bringing our website and engagement solutions to life. 

Experiencing our services firsthand 

One of the most valuable aspects of this project was experiencing the process through the eyes of our customers. By building our own website, we gained a fresh perspective on how our services come together to create something truly impactful. This allowed us to refine our offerings, ensuring that the process— from branding to web development to content creation— is as smooth and efficient as possible for the schools we work with. 

The end result: A website that speaks for itself 

Ryan Pummell, Head of Websites and Engagement, commented:  

“This has been a dream of mine since starting in my position 2 years ago now. I have been so keen to seamlessly bring together the expertise of both e4education and Primarysite with a new Juniper showcase website. It was a fantastic experience to work with many of our own across the business to bring this to life, give our designers the brief of “do what you do best,” and let them run away and create something so compelling. It was amazing. 

I truly believe we now have a showcase for our customers to find themselves and, importantly, find out how we can best help them in an already overloaded marketplace. Juniper Education is the expert, and I believe this now shows it!” 

Shereen Khem, Marketing Manager at Juniper Education, also said:  

“Not to brag, but our new website is easy to navigate, visually appealing, and fully equipped with the latest communication tools. Most importantly, it reflects the passion, expertise, and creativity we bring to every school website project. By experiencing our services firsthand, we’ve gained valuable insights into how to provide an exceptional experience for schools”.  

Want to see more of our work?

Explore our new site and get inspired for your next project! 

If you’re looking for a website that not only looks great but also serves as a powerful tool for communication, marketing, and engagement, we’d love to help you achieve that. Just as we did for ourselves, we can do it for you, as well. 

Get in touch with our website team today.   

We’re ready to create an amazing new website for you, too! 

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