How to update your school website to ensure WCAG 2.2 compliance

By October 2024, all schools are being asked to comply with the new WCAG 2.2 standards that apply to them. Learn about the updated accessibility standards, spot-check procedures, and how Juniper Websites can help you achieve and maintain compliance with a thorough accessibility audit.


By October 2024, all schools are being asked to comply with the new WCAG 2.2 standards that apply to them. This updated accessibility standard ensures that UK Government sites, including school websites, can be used by everyone, including individuals with disabilities or specific accessibility needs.  

The UK government will conduct random school website spot-checks for WCAG 2.2 AA compliance starting October 2024, but schools will have a 12-week grace period to address any issues found.  

So, what does this mean for your school? 

We know that for schools, being compliant isn't just about ticking a box. It's about showing commitment to making your website accessible to all visitors, no matter their needs.  

The new requirements can be overwhelming, so to help schools, the Juniper Websites teams have done the hard work for you and uncovered what these new standards mean for education. Below, we have outlined the necessary steps you need to take and how Juniper can assist you in achieving compliance. 

The background – Accessibility requirements update 

In June 2018, new web accessibility standards were introduced with the WCAG 2.1 guidelines. These guidelines range from Level A to AAA and include various success criteria, with the overarching principle that websites should be perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust. 

In 2023, the guidelines were updated to WCAG 2.2, introducing nine new success criteria. Of the nine new requirements introduced, six were either A or AA, with the remaining three additional requirements being AAA. In October 2023, the government announced that all public sector websites must comply with WCAG 2.2 AA by October 2024, leading to increased inquiries about accessibility plans. 

How will schools be reviewed by the government if selected?  

The Government Digital Service (GDS) will use Axe to check public sector websites. If issues are found, GDS will issue a report. Schools must: 

  • Email GDS within 7 days to acknowledge the report 
  • Send GDS any disproportionate burden assessment evidence within 7 days if applicable 
  • Fix accessibility issues within 12 weeks 
  • Publish an accessibility statement in the correct format on their website 

After 12 weeks, GDS will request details of: 

  • Issues that have been fixed 
  • Issues that cannot be fixed 
  • A timeline for fixing unresolved issues 

Is this compulsory? 

Yes, compliance is mandatory. However, primary and secondary schools are being offered a partial exemption from the accessibility regulations: 

  • Primary and secondary schools or nurseries - except for the content people need in order to use their services, for example a form that lets you outline school meal preferences 

You find more guidance on this here 

Our expert website team has engaged with many of our school customers, who have expressed that although they are eligible for a partial exemption, they’d prefer their entire website to be accessible regardless. 

What support is available for schools?  

You can seek help from third-party suppliers to get your website up to speed by October. Juniper is one of them. Our accessibility audit and support service will help you achieve full compliance, but you also have the option to review and fulfil the WCAG 2.2 requirements independently if you prefer. 

How do I know if my school website is compliant or not?  

If you’re unsure whether your school website meets accessibility requirements, it can seem daunting. Juniper Website customers can request a website accessibility compliance audit for a small fee to determine if your site is compliant. If it’s not, we’ll provide specific recommendations and guidance on what you need to do to get you there.  

What does Juniper’s accessibility audit include? 

Our accessibility website audit service is a preventative measure and offers a comprehensive review of your website's current accessibility. Our team will implement the necessary changes to achieve A and AA compliance on your behalf and providing ongoing support to ensure continued adherence to these standards. 

Please note that Juniper's accessibility audit does not include updates to AAA compliance, as this is not a requirement for schools. However, your website will remain fully compliant without AAA updates. Our audit ensures all AA standards are met, and your school website may also meet some AAA requirements, which is an added bonus. 

Our accessibility audit service will: 

  • Conduct a thorough review of your school website against WCAG 2.2 AA guidelines, specifically against front-end code and customer-added content. 
  • Provide a report highlighting areas that need improvement 
  • Make the necessary changes to ensure compliance 
  • Offer practical recommendations through a series of training resources to help you remain compliant 

Why isn’t my Juniper website already compliant?  

Website accessibility is an ongoing process that requires regular monitoring. We understand that our customers frequently add new pages, content, and features, which is fantastic and something we encourage. However, these additions might not always meet compliance standards, so it’s crucial to regularly ensure that your front-end code and content align with current regulations. While content review and accessibility have never been part of our service, regardless of when your Juniper website site was built, we are still here to help! 

Get started with your audit 

For existing Juniper Websites customers, you can book an accessibility audit to ensure your school website meets the new standards. If your school website is not fully compliant, we’re here to help get you there.  

Juniper Website customers, act now and achieve compliance   

The government will be checking school websites at random, and although your site may never be selected for review, it’s better to be prepared than caught off guard.   

For just £145 + VAT, you can relieve your stress and ensure your school meets the required standards.  

Get started now with an audit to identify necessary steps toward full compliance and make your website accessible to all. 

Book an audit today!