Case Study ↓ Maximising Educational Outcomes at Westlands School


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Sittingbourne, Kent


Maximising educational outcomes with Sisra Observe and Sisra Analytics

Westlands School, a progressive secondary academy in Sittingbourne, Kent, part of the Swale Academies Trust, has successfully harnessed the power of Juniper Education’s Sisra Observe and Sisra Analytics. These tools have been instrumental in identifying learning gaps and refining teaching methodologies, thus benefiting students across various subjects and demographics. This case study, informed by Siobhan, the Assistant Headteacher for Quality of Education, illustrates the transformative effect of these technologies.



Before implementing Sisra Observe and Sisra Analytics, Westlands School sought a solution to centrally manage staff appraisals, more accurately identify gaps in student learning across diverse subjects, and efficiently streamline their data for clear reporting to stakeholders.


Implementation and Integration

1. Sisra Analytics for identifying learning gaps: This tool has been pivotal in analysing student performance across all subjects. Siobhan points out,

“All subject leaders have access to Sisra Analytics... it’s used really proactively.”

It helps detect learning gaps among various student demographics, thereby facilitating targeted interventions.


2. Sisra Observe for enhancing teaching quality: Sisra Observe streamlined the staff appraisal process and monitored the effectiveness of teaching methods.

“We use Sisra Observe for appraisals... It’s very easy and user-friendly,”

says Siobhan, highlighting its impact on professional development.


Outcomes and Benefits

Westlands School now benefits from utilising the online Sisra platforms to manage staff appraisals, identify gaps in student learning across a full range of subjects and streamline data for efficient reporting to stakeholders.

Comprehensive learning gap analysis: Sisra Analytics offered a deep dive into student performance data, enabling the school to identify and address learning gaps across all subjects for different types of students.


Refined teaching methodologies: With Sisra Observe, the school could fine-tune its teaching approaches, ensuring they are effective for all students. This enhanced the overall pedagogical impact.


Streamlined data management: Both tools provided accurate, centralised data, significantly reducing teacher workload and saving time. Siobhan notes the ease of data extraction and the clarity it brings to decision-making processes.


Effective reporting: The platforms facilitated clear, digestible, and reportable information, crucial for informing key stakeholders, including school governors, about the school’s performance and progress.



The case study of Westlands School showcases the substantial benefits of integrating Sisra Observe and Sisra Analytics into the educational framework. By identifying learning gaps and refining teaching methodologies, these tools have played a critical role in elevating the educational standards at Westlands School. This narrative, supported by direct insights from Siobhan, serves as a testament to the power of these technologies in transforming educational practices, reducing workloads, and facilitating informed decision-making for all stakeholders.


Westlands School Case Study[13]