Priestlands School: A Sisra Analytics Success Story
The success of Priestlands School, both in its GCSE results and recent Ofsted inspection, highlights the benefits of Sisra Analytics for secondary school leaders.

Simplify data management across Key Stages 3, 4 and 5, and generate intuitive, easy-to-read reports in just a few clicks. Available as part of our secondary Progress & Outcomes solution.
If you are a school leader looking to support your staff and students, discover more about how Sisra Analytics can make a difference at your institution.

Key information:
- Priestlands School received a ‘Good’ grade in their April 2023 Ofsted inspection.
- The school has a ten-year partnership with Sisra Analytics.
- Sisra Analytics facilitates collaboration and targeted interventions among staff.
- The platform helps prioritise areas for improvement and informs staff CPD.
- Sisra Analytics provides efficient analysis of GCSE results.
Ofsted Inspection Success
Priestlands School, a secondary institution in Hampshire, recently celebrated a successful Ofsted inspection in April 2023, receiving a ‘Good’ grade. The Ofsted report highlighted the school’s effective curriculum and assessment strategy, stating:
“Teachers deliver the curriculum effectively. Most teachers present new content clearly and select activities which help pupils embed what they have learned. Teachers check pupils’ understanding before moving on to new work. The special educational needs coordinator provides staff with clear information about pupils’ needs and how to address them. Most staff use this information diligently to adapt teaching. There are many examples of effective and inclusive practice across subjects. Consequently, most pupils remember and apply what they have learned increasingly well.”
– Ofsted inspection report, Priestlands School, April 2023
A Partnership with Sisra Analytics
This accomplishment can be attributed to the school’s effective curriculum, assessment strategy, and ten-year partnership with Sisra Analytics. In addition, we thank Deputy Headteacher Tom Ritchie for providing insights into the school’s success story.
Tom praised Sisra Analytics for its ability to help staff and students alike. The platform allows the school to monitor pupils’ progress and achievements, providing an invaluable resource for identifying areas for improvement and intervention.
Collaboration and Targeted Interventions
Sisra Analytics also proved essential in facilitating collaboration between staff members, department heads, and year leaders. In addition, the platform enabled teachers to easily access and share data on their students’ performance, making targeted interventions more efficient and focused.
“We’ll use Sisra Analytics to investigate the in-class variation within departments but also across departments. We regularly analyse pupil progress and attainment throughout the year, particularly focussing of key indicators such as 4+, 5+ and 7+. We then will look at the percentage of students working below their benchmark grade within and across departments. Subsequently, we’ll drill into an individual class, starting to rank the performance of those classes and the pupils within them, looking at how many underperforming students there are in each class and what intervention strategies are in place for those students. Sisra Analytics filters also allow us to conduct the same strategy for subgroups such as pupil premium students.”
– Tom Ritchie Deputy Headteacher, Priestlands School
Prioritising Key Areas for Improvement
Using Sisra Analytics, Priestlands School has prioritised key areas for improvement, such as focusing on high prior attaining boys and pupil-premium students. In addition, the data provided by the platform has informed staff CPD and helped shape intervention strategies to ensure every student receives the support they need to succeed.
“If Sisra Analytics shows us that pupil premium students across the school are struggling, that informs our CPD because we must tailor it towards how we address the performance gaps within that group. A key focus for us this year has been on the performance of boys and in particular high prior attaining boys and ensuring we’re getting the best possible outcomes for them. Therefore, staff have regularly been analysing the data within Sisra Analytics to identify these vulnerable students. Within 3 or 4 clicks a class teacher can view comprehensive progress data on all their high prior attaining boys enabling them to constantly monitor their progress.”
– Tom Ritchie Deputy Headteacher, Priestlands School
Efficient GCSE Results Analysis
On GCSE results day, Sisra Analytics allows the school to quickly analyse their key performance indicators (KPIs) and identify near misses for possible marking and script reviews. As a result, Priestlands School can continue adapting and improving its students’ educational offerings with a wealth of data at its fingertips.
The success of Priestlands School, both in its GCSE results and recent Ofsted inspection, highlights the benefits of Sisra Analytics for secondary school leaders. If you are a school leader looking to support your staff and students, discover more about how Sisra Analytics can make a difference at your institution.
“On results day, Sisra Analytics allows us to check the KPIs quickly rather than trawling through spreadsheets and doing calculations yourself. Sisra Analytics makes results day analysis a much more efficient and easier process.”
– Tom Ritchie Deputy Headteacher, Priestlands School