Handling employee grievances in a Trust: Case study

Balancing sensitive issues for a fair and efficient resolution

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HR systems, policies, templates, guidance, contracts and staff development software. Created in 2020 to consolidate the HR services Juniper offers, this service is now available as our People management solution and HR services.


The most difficult HR cases are those involving multiple issues arising simultaneously. This is increasingly common with grievances raised in response to disciplinary procedures or ill health arising when capability matters are raised. The challenge is always determining in what order to manage HR procedures, or indeed if and how they can be managed at the same time. In addition, it can be difficult to determine who should deal with the respective matters to ensure objectivity and fairness. 

Complex and sensitive challenges 

A Trust encountered one such situation involving a range of sensitive HR issues arising within a short space of time involving the same employee. These included a complex grievance, allegations of bullying and confidentiality breaches alongside ill health and performance issues. The Trust engaged Juniper’s professional HR consultancy service, seeking specialised HR guidance.

Details of the case 

The case involved complicated issues like how staff behaved and performed, health-related absences, and how the school communicated internally and externally. Because of the complexity and sensitivity, the Trust needed an independent and fair approach to handle all these issues together and find a resolution. This way, the individuals involved and the school could move forward as quickly as possible.

Fair solutions and HR support

Juniper’s HR consultancy team teamed up with the Trust to offer diverse support. We deployed different staff to handle various aspects of the situation, making sure everything was well-coordinated. This support involved creating a strategy to address each issue following HR procedures, ensuring everything was connected, and preventing delays. We facilitated the planning of thorough investigations while concurrently managing an occupational health referral. Subsequently, we implemented the recommended support measures and adjustments to working conditions, ensuring a comprehensive approach to addressing the various concerns.

Clear communication was crucial to de-escalate matters and find solutions to potential disagreements. Juniper directly helped by having open and understanding conversations with everyone involved, including school leadership and trade unions. This reduced stress and ensured that information shared with the school community was clear, respectful, and sensitive to everyone involved. The HR team’s thorough approach ensured that all concerns were handled empathetically and professionally.

Achieving a just outcome for the Trust 

Juniper’s involvement was key in effectively managing the intricate situation and achieving a negotiated resolution to all the issues, which was fair and balanced. The strategy balanced the sensitivities, met the duty of care and resulted in a resolution that respected the needs of all parties involved. 

The potential for this case to have a negative impact on individuals and the school was significant. However, Juniper’s hands-on, strategic support enabled leaders to remain focused on the school's operational business, and the outcome-driven approach ensured a speedy resolution.

Customer testimonial 

“Our ongoing partnership with Juniper reflects our confidence in their expertise. We give Juniper Education and its team of expert consultants a solid 10 for their services; they’ve proven to be an essential part of our Trust’s operations in handling this matter."