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Partnering for staff and pupil growth, we empower leaders, driving a culture of progress and improvement in schools and MATs.

  • Evaluate accurate internal judgements 
  • Deliver robust action pathways
  • Drive purposeful teacher development



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Identifying school workload issues

Download the complete guide to helping primary school leaders reduce administrative tasks and gain more time to focus on pupil progress.

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Sonar Tracker is the next evolution in pupil progress software. Fill out this form to find out more about:

  • Our intelligent analysis tool that actually predicts pupil progress. 
  • Unlocking comparative data from 4000 other Primary Schools.
  • Driving impactful intervention decisions where they are needed the most.
  • Tailor your strategies and focus your resources where they can make the most impact.
  • Joining the Sonar school community, where schools have an active voice in how the product develops. 

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How to manage data efficiently in your primary school

Read what Primary Schools think

We're focused on helping you make every pupil shine. Read what some of our customers say below!
Staff come prepared with that data, and they can deep dive into which children they are targeting linked to the data and what they know as class teachers.
Headteacher of All Saints CE Primary School, Calderdale, following Ofsted Outstanding inspection report
I think what we find really useful in Sonar Tracker is the reports and the fact that it can take the data and help us construct our story for each pupil rather than just having to look at the raw data ourselves.
Assessment Lead, Our Lady of Grace, following Ofsted Outstanding inspection report
It is really useful to just be able to click a button and get all of your reports. Whether that's progress or age-related expectations, the Diminishing Differences report is the one that I've really liked this year.
Headteacher of East Sheen Primary School, following Ofsted Outstanding inspection report

Watch Sonar Tracker in action!

Helping Primary schools predict pupil progress