Sisra Analytics Support Plus

KS3/4 Admin Management Training
Course: £375 + VAT per delegate.
This course has been designed specifically for school staff who are responsible for uploading and managing KS3/4 data in Analytics, including those who are new to the service.

Analytics Webinars
Webinar 1: KS3/4 Reports for Class Teachers £99 + VAT per delegate.
This webinar will cover an introduction to the KS3/4 reports, how to use the reports to view a list of students in your class.
Webinar 2: KS3/4 Reports for Middle Teachers £99 + VAT per delegate.
The webinar will cover an introduction to the reports and the key reports and functionality for analysing data across your department and qualifications.

New to School Data Management
Course: £375 + VAT per delegate.
This interactive workshop has been designed specifically for staff who are brand new to School Data Management and will cover specific Sisra Analytics admin, along with more general school data information and advice.

Gold Package
- 1 place on either our KS3/4 Admin or New to School Data Management Workshop
- 2 places on our Analytics Webinars
Platinum Package
- 2 places on either our KS3/4 Admin or New to School Data Management Workshop
- 3 places on our Analytics Webinars