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Improve parent engagement in schools in 6 simple steps | Juniper Education

Written by Adrian Burt | Jun 26, 2024 8:21:29 AM


Engaging parents in their child's education is critical for academic success and overall development. When parents are actively involved, children are more likely to excel academically, exhibit positive behaviour, and develop better social skills.  

Adrian Burt, founder of Juniper’s leading parent engagement app MarvellousMe, understands the powerful role parents play in influencing their child’s academic outcomes. Here, he suggests six top strategies schools can implement to enhance parent engagement.  

How to improve parent engagement in 6 simple steps  

1. Establish clear and open communication channels

Effective communication is the cornerstone of parent engagement. Schools should use multiple platforms to keep parents informed and involved. 

How to implement this in school: 

  • Regular newsletters: Send weekly or monthly updates via email, covering important dates, events, and classroom activities. 
  • Parent-teacher conferences: Schedule regular meetings to discuss child progress, concerns, and goals. 
  • Online portals and apps: Use communication tools and platforms like MarvellousMe, Google Classroom, or dedicated school apps to provide real-time updates on activities, rewards, and school news. 
  • Social media: Maintain active social media profiles to share achievements, events, and engage with the community. 

What are the benefits? 

  • Parents stay informed and feel connected to the school community. 
  • Timely updates ensure parents are aware of their child's progress and school happenings, and so are more likely to have meaningful family conversations about school and feel empowered to reinforce their child’s learning.

2. Create a welcoming school environment

A welcoming atmosphere encourages parents to participate more actively in school activities and events. 

How to implement this in school:  

  • Open door policy: Encourage parents to visit classrooms and participate in school activities. 
  • Friendly front office staff: Train staff to greet parents warmly and assist them efficiently. 
  • Parent resource centres: Establish dedicated spaces where parents can find educational resources, computers, and support. 

What are the benefits? 

  • A welcoming environment builds a sense of community and belonging. 
  • Parents are more likely to engage when they feel comfortable and valued.

3. Offer flexible volunteer opportunities

Parents have different schedules and commitments, so offering a variety of volunteer opportunities can accommodate their availability and interests. 

How to implement this in school: 

  • Classroom helpers: Invite parents to assist with reading groups, art projects, or other classroom activities. 
  • Event participation: Encourage parents to help with school events, field trips, and sports activities. 
  • At-home projects: Provide opportunities for parents to contribute from home, such as preparing materials for class projects. 

What are the benefits? 

  • Increases the likelihood of parent participation by accommodating their schedules. 
  • Builds a stronger school community with diverse contributions. 
4. Provide parenting workshops and educational resources

Equipping parents with knowledge and skills can empower them to support their child's education more effectively. 

How to implement this in school: 

  • Workshops and seminars: Host sessions on topics like homework strategies, character development, and digital safety. 
  • Resource libraries: Offer books, videos, and online resources that parents can borrow or access. 
  • Guest speakers: Invite experts to talk about relevant issues and provide insights. 

What are the benefits? 

  • Educates parents on how to better support their child's learning at home. 
  • Strengthens the home-school connection by aligning educational strategies.

5. Maintain an effective and informative website

A well-designed, informative website serves as a central hub for all school-related information, making it easier for parents to stay engaged and informed. 

How to implement this in school: 

  • User-friendly design: Ensure the website is easy to navigate and has clear sections for news, events, resources, and contact information. 
  • Regular updates: Keep the website current with the latest news, event announcements, and important dates. Make sure it’s always Ofsted compliant. 
  • Resource hub: Create sections for educational resources, parenting tips, and student support materials. 
  • Interactive features: Incorporate features like calendars, forums, and feedback forms to encourage interaction. 

What are the benefits?  

  • Provides a one-stop source for all school-related information. 
  • Enhances accessibility for parents, ensuring they have the information they need at their fingertips.

6. Ensure messages to parents are positive, personal, and progress-led

Having great communication channels is one thing (as detailed in point 1), but it is the quality and tone of the information provided that needs to excite parents to truly engage them. 

As the Education Endowment Foundation underpin, effective communication with parents should be positive, personalised, and focused on their child’s progress to nurture a collaborative and supportive relationship. 

How to implement it in school: 

  • Positive communication: Highlight children’s strengths and achievements before discussing areas for improvement. Celebrate successes and milestones. 
  • Personalised messages: Tailor communication to individual children and their unique needs. Use the child’s name and mention specific details about their progress. 
  • Progress updates: Provide regular updates on academic and personal development. Share specific examples of growth and areas where the child has made significant progress. 

What are the benefits?  

  • Builds a positive rapport between parents and teachers, creating a supportive environment for the child. 
  • Personalised communication shows parents that teachers are attentive to their child's individual needs and development. 
  • Progress-focused updates help parents understand their child's development over time, reinforcing the importance of ongoing engagement. 


Increasing parent engagement requires a strategic and inclusive approach.  

By establishing clear communication, creating a welcoming environment, offering flexible volunteer opportunities, providing educational resources, maintaining an effective website, and ensuring communication is positive, personal, and progress-led, schools can enjoy a collaborative and supportive community.  

These strategies not only benefit the children but also build a stronger, more connected school environment. 

Ready to improve your school's parent engagement for the new academic year? 

If the answer is yes, then look no further, as we’ve got you covered! 

Juniper’s MarvellousMe app has been specifically designed to help schools engage parents with positive news about their child’s learning and skills development.  

In just one simple step, you can find out more