Ofsted recently published it's Telling the Story: The English Education Subject Report. The content of the report is drawn from a range of schools and identifies common strengths and weaknesses found during recent Ofsted inspections. On a positive note, the teaching of reading was found to have improved ‘markedly’. However, the writing and spoken language curriculum is described as ‘less effective’. A major concern in writing is that pupils do not always have the necessary transcription skills for them to carry out the writing tasks they have been asked to do. In this blog, we explore how transcription skills can be developed in our young writers.
Fluent handwriting is essential if pupils are to write at the length needed in order to demonstrate that they can do so in a sustained and coherent manner. The English report states that, in some schools, handwriting is not taught specifically, and pupils are given little time to practice and develop their skills. In order to develop fluent handwriting:
From my regular interactions with English Subject Leaders, I know that spelling is an issue in many schools, particularly since the recent closures due to Covid-19. Although Ofsted inspectors see evidence of spelling being taught explicitly, there is little evidence of pupils being given the time to practise and embed what they have learnt. In the early stages of writing, aim to:
The report highlights the importance of oral composition for young writers and reflects on the fact that inspectors did not see enough of this taking place in schools. The National Curriculum programme of study for Year 1 states that pupils should write sentences by saying out loud what they are going to write and composing a sentence orally before writing it down. In Year 2, pupils are expected to consider what they are going to write, including planning or saying it aloud before they do so. Rehearsing a sentence, or longer piece of writing, aloud before writing enables the pupil to check that what they have said makes sense and to consider changes they might want to make to improve the sentence before committing it to paper. If they are rehearsing the sentence with an adult, it also provides an opportunity for the adult to intervene and prompt any changes which may be necessary. Further ideas for developing sentence construction include:
In order to explore these aspects of writing further, visit our dedicated training portal and search for Developing Fluency in Writing. Other available courses include Teaching Spelling and Teaching Handwriting.
Or contact training@junipercpd.org to learn more about the support and training we can offer schools, academies, and trusts.