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Trust Establishment & Growth Fund 2023-2025: Should You Apply? | Juniper Education

Written by Kim Cannon | Nov 7, 2023 10:00:53 AM

What is the Trust Establishment & Growth Fund?

The TEG Fund supports the initial development of growth projects for Multi-Academy Trusts, with priority going to the 55 education investment areas (EIA) as identified by the DfE Education Investment Areas plus areas identified by regional directors.

Funding is available to:

  • Multi-Academy Trusts looking to establish a new geographical hub
  • Local-authority-maintained schools and/or stand-alone academy trusts to form a MAT
  • Dioceses and other organisations looking to establish a new MAT

The fund is aimed at supporting the following start-up activities:

  • Legal costs of setting up a MAT
  • Promoting an existing or new trust in schools
  • Establishing professional networks
  • Project management costs, including key trust personnel expenses
  • Initial operating costs, such as office rental
  • Audit fees for assurance of grant

Costs must be outlined in the TEG fund application form

Once a trust has had its project approved for establishing a hub in an EIA, it becomes eligible for Trust Capacity Funding 23/25.

How much can I apply for?

The TEG fund grant is a minimum of £10,000 and a maximum of £50,000 to support the costs of developing a growth project, but the successful application does not guarantee the project will be approved or that subsequent application to the TCAF will be successful.

There are two strands, both of which relate to projects planning on taking on a minimum of 3 schools:

Strand A – projects in EIAs

Strand B – projects outside EIAs

If your application is successful, you must sign a grant funding agreement based on the expenditure plan submitted with your application.

Grant funding is paid in arrears during the funding period once you have submitted evidence of completion.

Project assessment criteria

Two-stage process:

  1. Regional assessment by the relevant regional Director
  2. National Moderation by senior officials across the regions to ensure consistent assessments and prioritise applications based on the assessment criteria

    a) Geographical need – strand A priority

    b) Project assessment: 

    - Strand A - Trust development statements
    - Strand B - Project need

    c) Project plan – specific schools & areas with a timeline

    d) Deliverability – realistic action and spending plans

When and how to apply

Application window 3 opens 1st November 2023 submission deadline is 1st February 2024 for planned grant activities starting 1st April 2024, and window 4 opens on 1st March 2024, submission deadline of 25th June 2024 for planned grant activities starting 1st August 2024.

All activities funded by TEG must be completed by 31st March 2025.

Before you start, you must read through the information for applicants.

TEG Fund 2023-2025 information for applicants

Application process:

  1. Contact your regional director’s office to discuss the proposal, as they are responsible for making decisions on the creation, consolidation and growth of MATs
  2. Complete the application form, including project location, details, overview and action plan
  3. Complete the expenditure plan, including a description of each activity, dates each will take place and individual activity costs. You must be able to commit to deliver against these plans as they cannot be amended following submission

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